Quanahwsu’s Weblog


The RACE to Our Next President.

Filed under: Political,Race — quanahwsu @ 01:26
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The “RACE” to Our Next President is about the next presidential election the fact that we are a few short months away from possibly having an African American President. It feel that it is important because it is a huge step for our country (the USA) but at the same time the press and our country are focusing entirely to much on the fact that he is African American. I believe that they need to focus less on his race and more on his political standings and his goals for our country and, plans for the future of the United States. With the current world standing of the US and the vast issues that we have at home, I feel that these important issues are being over looked or not covered enough. I am very interested in working on this because either way this is a huge part in the history of the United States unfolding before us. Regardless of the outcome of the election the fact that a major party (Democrat & Republican) has nominated a minority for President of the US. This will be something that our children will read about when they are in elementary, middle school; something people will be reading about writing reports about forever.


  1. I feel you on this one bro. It feels like the wool is being pulled over my eyes.

    Comment by Modoc — 06/10/08 @ 21:14 | Reply

  2. I agree that many of the important issues were overlooked in this political campaign. They (McCain and Obama) were entirely way too involved in one upping the other, instead of laying out their idea of how they would make the U.S. a better country. Good job in identifying that, but now Mr. Obama will have a hefty job ahead of him.

    Comment by John Thomas Togiai — 02/12/08 @ 00:53 | Reply

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